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Goals of the Public Policy & Advocacy Committee

  1. Collaborate with other trade associations, members, and stakeholders to create an ongoing public relations campaign to educate consumers, stakeholders, legislators, and the community at large about the science and profession of Applied Behavior Analysis;
  2. Maintain consistent and ongoing meetings with funding sources, including health insurance, and DPH to address key issues that impact or slow the provision of ABA services to consumers;
  3. Through collaboration with stakeholders, including other ABA trade organizations, members, consumers, policymakers, and legislators, provide advocacy and training to improve equitable access to high-quality applied behavior analytic services;
  4. Advocate for business conditions that promote equitable access to treatment at parity with providers of general healthcare services;
  5. Through collaboration with membership, relevant topics in the field of ABA will be identified and position papers will be developed to support behavior analytic work in the commonwealth;
  6. Provide support, training, and education to providers and consumers of insurance-funded Applied services to reduce barriers that prevent the immediate and equitable provision of insurance-funded ABA services;
  7. Provide support, training, and education to providers and consumers of ABA services that are not insurance-funded services with a consideration of providers utilizing ABA outside the realms of education, autism, and other developmental disabilities;
  8. Actively solicit input from members through bi-monthly meetings to ensure areas of concern are addressed;
  9. Collaborate with MassABA’s diversity, social media, and licensure committees as needed to coordinate efforts, advocate, and communicate with members and stakeholders.